Results for 'A. Fiscus Liber'

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  1.  36
    Standardization and Ethics.A. Fiscus Liber & David Weinman - 1933 - International Journal of Ethics 43 (4):379-394.
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  2. Can a good Christian be.A. Good Liberal - 2006 - Public Affairs Quarterly 20 (2):163.
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    Cephalopods from the stomachs of sperm whales taken off California.Clifford H. Fiscus, Dale W. Rice & Allen A. Wolman - 1987 - Laguna 53:56.
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  4. A Brief, Liberal, Catholic Defense of Abortion.Daniel A. Dombrowski & Robert Deltete - 2001 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 22 (3):290-294.
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    A Brief, Liberal, Catholic Defense of Abortion. [REVIEW]Joseph A. Bracken - 2001 - Process Studies 30 (1):176-177.
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    A Brief, Liberal, Catholic Defense of Abortion.Daniel A. Dombrowski & Robert Deltete - 2006 - University of Illinois Press.
    This tightly argued, historically grounded study sets out to demonstrate that a 'pro-choice' stance is as fully justified by Catholic thought as an anti-abortion view, and may even be more compatible with Catholic tradition than the current opposition to abortion espoused by most Catholic leaders.
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    Review of William A. Galston: Liberal Purposes: Goods, Virtues, and Diversity in the Liberal State[REVIEW]William A. GALSTON - 1993 - Ethics 103 (2):393-397.
    This book is a major contribution to the current theory of liberalism by an eminent political theorist. It challenges the views of such theorists as Rawls, Dworkin, and Ackerman who believe that the essence of liberalism is that it should remain neutral concerning different ways of life and individual conceptions of what is good or valuable. Professor Galston argues that the modern liberal state is committed to a distinctive conception of the human good, and to that end has developed characteristic (...)
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    How to Be a Green Liberal: Nature, Value and Liberal Philosophy.Simon A. Hailwood - 2003 - Routledge.
    It is often claimed by environmental philosophers and green political theorists that liberalism, the dominant tradition of western political philosophy, is too focused on the interests of human individuals to give due weight to the environment for its own sake. In "How to be a Green Liberal", Simon Hailwood challenges this view and argues that liberalism can embrace a genuinely 'green', non-instrumental view of nature. The book's central claim is that nature's 'otherness', its being constituted of independent entities and processes (...)
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    A Philosophy for Liberal Democracy.Geoffrey Thomas & Liberal Democrats Britain) - 1993
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    A utopia liberal: Sobre a autodestrutividade intrínseca ao projeto político iluminista.Dax Moraes - 2006 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 11 (1):71-87.
    In view of misguidance found in democratic States concerning their grounding liberal model, some analysts are inclined to declare the bankrupt of liberalism, as well there are others who consider it not yet achieved. This paper aims to indicate in Locke’s political theory some intrinsic limitations of this model itself that has as result its very non-sustainability at long date.
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    The Liberal Arts Tradition: A Documentary History.Bruce A. Kimball - 2010 - Upa.
    Based upon the author's twenty-five years of experience leading seminars concerning the history of liberal education, this collection presents a uniquely comprehensive and salient set of documents, ranging from Plato to Martha Nussbaum, while incorporating the neglected portrayal and discussion of women within the history of the liberal arts.
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    A Politically Liberal Conception of Formal Education in a Developing Democracy.Raşit Çelik - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (5):498-508.
    As discussed by John Rawls, in a well-ordered society, a public political culture’s wide educational role bears the primary responsibility for developing reasonable individuals for the stability of a politically liberal society. Rawlsian scholars have also focused on the stability and enhancement of developed liberal democratic societies by means of those societies’ education systems. In this sense, one thing that is common to Rawlsian scholars’ and Rawls’s own understanding of the role of education appears to be a concern over the (...)
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    A Politically Liberal Conception of Civic Education.Barry L. Bull - 2008 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 27 (6):449-460.
    Liberal political theory is widely believed to be an inadequate source of civic commitment and thus of civic education primarily because of its commitment to what is perceived as a pervasive individualism. In this paper, I explore the possibility that John Rawls’s later political philosophy may provide a response to this belief. I first articulate a conception of liberal politics derived from Rawls’s idea of reflective equilibrium that generates an overlapping consensus about political principles among those who hold a wide (...)
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    A Paretian liberal dilemma without collective rationality.S. Subramanian - 1994 - Theory and Decision 37 (3):323-332.
  15. The Utility of a Liberal Education in Every-Day Life a Paper Read at Berkeley, Cal., Feb. 8, 1882.A. Mcf Davis - 1882 - S.N.
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    Re-examining Dovzhenko's Political Environment: A Response to Riley.George O. Liber - 2003 - Film-Philosophy 7 (5).
    John Riley 'A (Ukrainian) Life in Soviet Film: Liber's _Alexander Dovzhenko_' _Film-Philosophy_, vol. 7 no. 31, September 2003.
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  17. A Political Liberal Approach to the EU The Legitimacy of EU Intergovernmental Compromises.Bertjan Wolthuis - 2016 - Archiv Für Rechts- Und Sozialphilosphie 102 (1):40-57.
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  18.  11
    Beyond Practical Virtue: A Defense of Liberal Democracy Through Literature.Joel A. Johnson - 2007 - University of Missouri.
    Why hasn’t democracy been embraced worldwide as the best form of government? Aesthetic critics of democracy such as Carlyle and Nietzsche have argued that modern democracy, by removing the hierarchical institutions that once elevated society’s character, turns citizens into bland, mediocre souls. Joel A. Johnson now offers a rebuttal to these critics, drawing surprising inspiration from American literary classics. Addressing the question from a new perspective, Johnson takes a fresh look at the worth of liberal democracy in these uncertain times (...)
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  19. A Post-liberal Thinker.Mark Wegierski - 1994 - Humanitas 7 (2):92-95.
    Post-Liberalism: Studies in Political Thought, by John Gray. New York and London: Routledge, 1993. 358 pp. $45Beyond the New Right: Markets, Government and the Common Environment, by John Gray.New York and London: Routledge, 1993. 195 pp. $34.50.
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  20.  41
    Le Liber particularis de Michel Scot.Oleg Voskoboynikov - 2015 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 81 (1):249-384.
    C’est la première édition critique du Liber particularis de Michel Scot, traité cosmologique latin qui constitue la deuxième partie de son Liber introductorius, rédigé entre 1220 et 1235 environ. L’édition est effectuée sur la base du ms. Bodl. Canon. Misc. 555 (collationné avec les mss Vatican, BAV Rossi IX 11 et Milan, Ambrosiana L 92 Sup), afin de restituer une version qui circula, sous une forme relativement stable, en Italie dans la première moitié du xiv e siècle. Dans (...)
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  21.  19
    Education for citizenship in a pluralist liberal democracy.David A. Reidy - 1996 - Journal of Value Inquiry 30 (1-2):25-42.
  22.  21
    Avicenna and the Liber de Causis: A Contribution to dossier.Cristina D'Ancona Costa - 2000 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 7:95-114.
    Partiendo del conocimiento que los árabes tuvieron de los textos neoplatónicos atribuidos a Aristóteles, tales como la Pseudo-Teología y el Liber de Causis, la autora de este estudio investiga el posible conocimiento que Avicena tuvo de este último libro, conocido en el mundo árabe por el título de Kalam fi mahd al-hayr. Se apoya, para ello, en el análisis de cuatro pasajes de la Metafísica de la gran enciclopedia filosófica Al-Sifa ("La curación").
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  23.  9
    Liberal Egalitarianism: A Family of Theories, Not a Single View.William A. Galston - 2001 - In Nancy L. Rosenblum & Robert C. Post, Civil Society and Government. Princeton University Press. pp. 111-122.
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  24. Líber, Augusto e Marco Antônio.Lya Serignolli - 2024 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 34:e03417.
    A libertas era uma questão fundamental na política romana, ligada aos primórdios da República; e Líber era uma divindade que correspondia a esse aspecto sob as mais diversas perspectivas. O papel de Líber como libertador é tão antigo em Roma que se confunde com as lendas dos fundadores da República, que foram chamados de libertadores por sua atuação na expulsão dos reis. Líber e libertas, especialmente a política, estavam arraigados à mente romana, e as lideranças políticas achavam interessante estabelecer essa (...)
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    Ideas políticas filosofía y derecho: el maestro: liber amicorum en homenaje a Alirio Gómez Lobo.Alirio Gómez Lobo & Oscar Delgado (eds.) - 2006 - Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial Universidad del Rosario.
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    Alguns Apontamentos Sobre a Governamentabilidade Liberal e/Ou Neoliberal a Partir de Michel Foucault.Tiago Nilo - 2010 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 2 (3):345-358.
    Este trabalho tem o objetivo de examinar duas características imprescindíveis no desenvolvimento do liberalismo para o neoliberalismo, a saber, as relações entre mercado e Estado e o aparecimento do chamado homo oeconomicus. Dito de um modo mais preciso, naquilo que Foucault chama de governamentabilidade, a arte de governar do liberalismo, em tal racionalidade, em tal prática, em tal exercício de governo, este trabalho, este estudo tem por objetivo buscar saber quais são os efeitos desta passagem: do liberalismo ao neoliberalismo. Para (...)
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    Liber amicorum: o delima Nebojše Kuzmanovića.Pero Zubac & Dragan Jovanović Danilov (eds.) - 2017 - Novi Sad: Prometej.
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    Lee, A. G., ed., P. Ovidi Nasonis Metamorphoseon Liber I.A. S. Allen - 1953 - Classical Weekly 47:10.
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  29. Hacia un naturalismo liberal en filosofía de biología.María Cerezo - 2014 - In Raúl Gutiérrez Lombardo & José Sanmartín, La filosofía desde la ciencia. México D.F.: Centro de Estudios Filosóficos, Políticos y Sociales Vicente Lombardo Toledano.
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  30. Liber amicorum.A. Cura di Fabrizio Sciacca - 2008 - In Franca Biondi Nalis, Fabrizio Sciacca & Enzo Sciacca, Studi in memoria di Enzo Sciacca. Milano: A. Giuffrè.
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    Liberal justice and the Marxist critique of education: a study of conflicting research programs.Kenneth A. Strike - 1989 - New York: Routledge.
    Strike explores the differences between Marxists and liberals over the nature of the good life, about how human beings are formed, and about episemology, and uses these discussions to explore views of schooling.
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  32. Divided Liberalisms?A. Vincent - 1988 - History of Political Thought 9 (1):161.
  33. Liberal Pluralism: The Implications of Value Pluralism for Political Theory and Practice.William A. Galston - 2002 - Cambridge University Press.
    William Galston is a distinguished political philosopher whose work is informed by the experience of having also served from 1993–5 as President Clinton's Deputy Assistant for Domestic Policy. He is thus able to speak with an authority unique amongst political theorists about the implications of advancing certain moral and political values in practice. The foundational argument of this 2002 book is that liberalism is compatible with the value pluralism first espoused by Isaiah Berlin. William Galston defends a version of value (...)
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    Liberal Arts Education and Brain Plasticity.Richard A. Smith & John R. Leach - 2010 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 17 (2):119-130.
    This paper addresses what some view as a progressive and decades-long devaluing of the liberal arts in our educational institutions and society at large. It draws attention to symptoms of this trend and possible contributing factors, identifies benefits commonly attributed to the liberal arts, and then shows how insights from recent research on neuroplasticity provide good reason to believe that a traditional liberal education has positive effects on a person's brain. The paper supports the thesis that well-designed liberal arts courses (...)
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  35. O svobode: Antologii︠a︡ zapadno-evropeĭskoĭ klassicheskoĭ liberalʹnoĭ mysli.M. A. Abramov (ed.) - 1995 - Moskva: Nauka.
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    Maximi Confessoris Liber Asceticus eed. P. VAN DEUN adiectis tribus interpretationibus latinis sat antiquis editis a Steven Gysens.Annette von Stockhausen - 2002 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 95 (1):171-173.
    Nach der Edition der Expositio in Ps 59 und der Expositio orationis dominicae (P. van Deun [ed.], Maximi Confessoris Opuscula exegetica duo. [CChr.SG, 23.] Turnhout/Leuven 1991.] legt van Deun (D.) mit dem hier anzuzeigenden Band nun den Liber Asceticus des Maximus Confessor (erstmals) in einer kritischen Edition vor.
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    Beyond Liberal Democracy: Political Thinking for an East Asian Context.Daniel A. Bell - 2006 - Princeton University Press.
    Is liberal democracy appropriate for East Asia? In this provocative book, Daniel Bell argues for morally legitimate alternatives to Western-style liberal democracy in the region. Beyond Liberal Democracy, which continues the author's influential earlier work, is divided into three parts that correspond to the three main hallmarks of liberal democracy--human rights, democracy, and capitalism. These features have been modified substantially during their transmission to East Asian societies that have been shaped by nonliberal practices and values. Bell points to the dangers (...)
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  38. Astronomicon: Volume 3, Liber Tertius.A. E. Housman (ed.) - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    Both the author and the date of this five-volume poem, the first Western document to link the houses of the zodiac with the course of human affairs, are uncertain. The author's name may be Marcus Manilius, or Manlius, or Mallius, and the latest datable event mentioned in the books themselves is the disastrous defeat of Varus' Roman legions by the German tribes in 9 CE. The writing shows knowledge of the work of Lucretius, but the work is not referred to (...)
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  39. JS Mill's elitism: a classical liberal's response to the rise of democracy.A. Hamilton - 2008 - In Erich Kofmel, Anti-Democratic Thought. Imprint Academic. pp. 49--66.
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    The liberating philosophy of Ignacio Ellacuría: historical reality, humanism, and praxis.Martínez Vásquez, Luis Arturo, Randall Carrera Umaña, Díaz Cepeda & Luis Rubén (eds.) - 2024 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This collection explores the core concepts of Ignacio Ellacuría's liberating philosophy; his critique of ideologies and continuity with critical theory; his philosophical anthropology and humanism; and the implications that praxis has for philosophical thought.
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    A Hegelian Liberal Theory of the Penal Law: Alan Brudner: Punishment and Freedom. A Liberal Theory of Penal Justice. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2009, 336 pp, Hardback £65, ISBN 978-0-19-920725-1. [REVIEW]Alfonso Donoso - 2011 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 5 (2):219-224.
    A Hegelian Liberal Theory of the Penal Law Content Type Journal Article Category Book Review Pages 219-224 DOI 10.1007/s11572-011-9119-8 Authors Alfonso Donoso, Pontificia Universidad Cat’olica de Chile, ICP, Santiago, Chile Journal Criminal Law and Philosophy Online ISSN 1871-9805 Print ISSN 1871-9791 Journal Volume Volume 5 Journal Issue Volume 5, Number 2.
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  42.  11
    Nietzsche as a Liberal.Robert A. Jacques - 1990 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1990 (85):189-191.
  43. Liberal Pluralism: The Implications of Value Pluralism for Political Theory and Practice.William A. Galston - 2003 - Political Theory 31 (6):891-896.
    William Galston is a distinguished political philosopher whose work is informed by the experience of having also served from 1993–5 as President Clinton's Deputy Assistant for Domestic Policy. He is thus able to speak with an authority unique amongst political theorists about the implications of advancing certain moral and political values in practice. The foundational argument of this 2002 book is that liberalism is compatible with the value pluralism first espoused by Isaiah Berlin. William Galston defends a version of value (...)
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  44.  17
    Fred C. Woudhuizen, The Liber Linteus. A Word for Word Commentary to and Translation of the Longest Etruscan Text.Enrico Benelli - 2016 - Klio 98 (1):343-346.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Klio Jahrgang: 98 Heft: 1 Seiten: 343-346.
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  45. Responsibility in health care: a liberal egalitarian approach.A. W. Cappelen & O. F. Norheim - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (8):476-480.
    Lifestyle diseases constitute an increasing proportion of health problems and this trend is likely to continue. A better understanding of the responsibility argument is important for the assessment of policies aimed at meeting this challenge. Holding individuals accountable for their choices in the context of health care is, however, controversial. There are powerful arguments both for and against such policies. In this article the main arguments for and the traditional arguments against the use of individual responsibility as a criterion for (...)
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  46.  25
    Towards a liberal environment?Simon A. Hailwood - 1999 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 16 (3):271–281.
    It is widely supposed that liberal political theory must exclude direct concern for nature, that its anthropocentric individualism can allow only indirect, instrumental value to the non‐human world. This is perhaps thought to be especially true of contractarian versions of liberalism. In this paper I try to show that this is not so by outlining an argument based on an analogy between the ‘neutrality’ of Rawls' political liberalism and the ‘otherness’ of external nature. I consider some possible objections to the (...)
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  47. Does Aristotle Believe In Liberation?A. Chakraborty - 2002 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 29 (2/3):177-190.
  48.  22
    Law, Legislation and Liberty: A New Statement of the Liberal Principles of Justice and Political... Economy.F. A. Hayek - 2012 - Routledge.
    With a new foreword by Paul Kelly 'I regard Hayek's work as a new opening of the most fundamental debate in the field of political philosophy' - Sir Karl Popper 'This promises to be the crowning work of a scholar who has devoted a lifetime to thinking about society and its values. The entire work must surely amount to an immense contribution to social and legal philosophy' - Philosophical Studies Law, Legislation and Liberty is Hayek's major statement of political philosophy (...)
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  49. Conserving the university as a place for liberal learning.Erika A. Kiss - 2015 - In Terry Nardin & Edmund Neill, Michael Oakeshott's Cold War liberalism. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Liberal Education in a Technical Age.R. A. C. Oliver - 1955 - British Journal of Educational Studies 4 (1):85.
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